By default, the current version of the Nextcloud and Zimbra connector uses Zimbra’s uid as the username for the user. This means that if you have nextcloud user named, Zimbra will NOT use this. Instead, Zimbra will use the uid (a long string like ae0351f4-0269-49b2-bc36-c3cefe81897d as the username for Nextcloud. If the user does not exist, Nextcloud will create the user. Obviously this sucks. Here is a simple fix:

The file abstractzimbrausersbackend.php has a function called checkPassword():

    public function checkPassword($uid, $password)
            return false;

        $httpRequestResponse = $this->doZimbraAuthenticationRequest($uid, $password);

        if ($httpRequestResponse->getHttpCode() === 200) {
            $response = json_decode($httpRequestResponse->getRawResponse());
            $userId = $response->{'accountId'};
            $userDisplayName = $response->{'displayName'};
            $userEmail = $response->{'email'};

                $this->createUser($userId, $userDisplayName);
            $this->setDefaultUserAttributes($userId, $userEmail, $userDisplayName);

            return $userId;
        } else {
            return false;

The highlighted line, $userId = $response->{‘accountId’}; determines the username of the Zimbra user. Zimbra sends the uid, e-mail address and display name of the user, so we can modify this. All we need to do is change it into:

$userId = $response->{'email'};

And we’re done.

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